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Ammonia Solution - A Surprising Carpet Cleaning Formula

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Ammonia is usually thought of as a bathroom cleanser. I often remember my mother using it for cleaning that room. This household cleaner however is more versatile than others would think, it can also used to remove stains from other surfaces in your home. If you mix it with water in different proportions then you will be able to clean different surfaces. This could actually save you money because ammonia is quite cheap compared to let us say carpet stain removers that are priced from $5 onwards for a 16 0z bottle. When diluting ammonia for carpet cleaning stains you only need one tablespoonful to half cup of water.

Stubborn stains made by dark colored condiments like soy sauce and steak sauce are easily removed by ammonia solution. When condiments such as these are spilled on the carpet the procedure for taking them out are the same. You first need to blot off the extra condiments still spread on the carpet with white paper towels or a clean rag. After that mix a detergent and water solution using a teaspoon of liquid dish detergent and two cups water. Put this in a spray bottle and spritz it on the affected area. Blot the detergent solution from the carpet using paper towels. After that rinse the area using water spritzed on it and once again blotted dry. This applying of detergent solution and blotting dry you need to repeat several times. If the stubborn stains are still present then sponge the ammonia solution onto the stain taking care not to over wet the carpeting. Next, blot the area dry and rinse with water by spritzing the area of the stain with water. Blot the carpeting dry with clean white rags.

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