This article will give you 3 simple ways on how you can keep your carpets clean without spending too much. This article will talk about different techniques on stain removal, important cleaning habits, and hiring people to clean your carpets when needed. This article will teach you how you can have both a clean and healthy carpet.
1. Stains and Stain Removal
The key words in cleaning stains are: cleaning immediately. Although dried out stains may still be removed, it would obviously be easier to treat a fresh stain than an old one. Don’t tire yourself in trying to remove an old stain, act right away.
For liquid stains, get as much of the liquid out of the carpet as soon as you can. Use paper towels or cloth to do this. Place heavy items such as books on top of the paper towels/cloth to help get more liquid out. Wait for a little while to make sure that all liquid has been removed. Then use soap that is not damaging to your carpet - liquid dishwashing soap and carpet shampoo are perfect for the job. Rinse well to assure that all the soap is removed from the carpet.
2. Regular Cleaning Goes a Long Way
Regularly vacuum clean your carpets – this maybe the greatest advice you can get to keep your carpets clean. Imagine numerous dirt and bacteria entering your homes from outside that remain and sticks onto you carpet fibers. These will settle in your carpets and eventually destroy them. What is worse is that this may become mold that could be harmful to you and your family’s health. Avoid this by vacuuming regularly. Remove as much dirt and dust as you can, if not for the carpet, for you and your family.
Now depending on how much your carpets are being used and walked on, you can clean your carpets once or twice a week and even up to once a day. Another importance of regularly vacuuming your carpet is, you don’t have to replace your carpets as much as carpets that are not cleaned regularly are. This will save you money in the long run
3. Expert Help
Honestly speaking though, although getting stains right away and regularly vacuuming your carpets help a big bulk in keeping carpets clean and healthy, hiring professional carpet cleaners every 6mos. will do you and your carpets so much more good. Here is why. Expert cleaning rejuvenates your carpets, cleans them deep within their fibers, and will surely be much better for your health and your family’s as well.
No amount of blotting and vacuuming can equal the expert cleaning machines, solutions, and people that professional carpet cleaners can offer. That is why even though the first two techniques are very useful, this third one is just as essential.
Don’t wait until a carpet gets destroyed just after a few years of usage, don’t wait until a loved one gets sick, don’t wait until it’s too late. Remember to keep stains out, clean all you can, and hire professionals once in a while. These will ensure good health and good carpeting for many, many years.